Pocket Weather Device
The Project
Our product would appeal to adventurers, kids, and people who are in areas with no internet. The type of customers who would buy this product would-be campers, hikers, individuals who go into the wilderness and need to know the weather.
Team Comments
We chose to make this project because...We chose to make this product because it can help people check the weather when there is no cellular data.
What we found difficult and how we worked it outWhen we first started we had to decide how to finalize our ideas into one project. Next, it was difficult to locate the parts locally. Ultimately, we had to order the items online which caused a time delay. When it came time to build the circuit, we needed assistance with soldering.
Next time, we would...If we had to change something for next time, we would have added more information to the circuit such as precipitation, air quality, UV index and air pressure, sunrise/sunset timings, and storm warnings. Also, it would have the time.
About the team
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