Saving Aquatic Life - Fighting Water Pollution using AI & ML
The Project
Water pollution is a serious environmental issue that can be caused by many contaminants. Human health can be affected by consuming, entering, or washing in polluted water. - We develop a gauge to measure the level of pH with Led indicators. - We develop an AI & Machine Learning Algorithm to determine the Turbidity. - By integrating these two systems, we can evaluate the purity of the water.
Team Comments
We chose to make this project because...There are hundreds of rivers around the world in which there is no sign of aquatic life. Every time an industry decides to dump chemicals and waste into the river, the aquatic life pays the price for it. • Experts estimate that by 2025, half the world’s population will live in a water-stressed envir
What we found difficult and how we worked it outI had some difficulties in obtaining the equipment.
Next time, we would...Yes
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