Sherilyn The AI Assistant
The Project
This AI assistant is built to do tasks like search on YouTube, Google, Spotify, and open Gmail and Stackoverflow, predict the time, take a photo, search Wikipedia, predict weather (default state set as Kerala, India), open apps which are on the machine itself, read out headlines from BBC News, find internet speed, type a paragraph on a topic in word, ask to solve computational and geographical questions and mathematical problems and train it with neural networks. It contains a Face Biometric Scan lock before running the AI itself. It has the capability of logging off, restarting, or shutting down the host machine itself. It comes with some windows cmd hacks, funny story writing, find host IP and username, send WhatsApp messages, crack neutral, chuck, tongue twister, and all types of jokes.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I made this project for people who don't know some features/methods of a normal computer and for those who have difficulty accessing their computer. This AI can help you in searching and fetching facts about the query that is put into the AI. This AI can also write paragraphs on any topic which you
What I found difficult and how I worked it outThe code made the AI listen from the mic source during sleep time and was woken up by the "WAKE" command. After the code, the if statement under recognition for the wake command stopped working. This made me change the wake command to a text input command.
Next time, I would...I would have linked some ML-based and TensorFlow-based projects with the AI like the neural network which is already linked with the ai. Far more projects can be linked with this AI like Pencil Sketching, Asphalt Legend Autodriver, Rock Paper Scissors Game, and so on...
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