The Project
Cycles is a Turing Complete CPU made inside of scratch that can run programs written in "memory" and can be interacted with via the GUI
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I chose to make this project since have a love for Computers and anything tech related and set out on the challenge to make a working CPU inside of software, but i dont have the Programming skill to make it in something like Python or JS
What I found difficult and how I worked it outThe main difficulty I had was making the project "expandable". The way I was coding it meant that it was really hard to add new functions etc. So i rewrote the code from the ground up and the new method of adding new things works extremely well.
Next time, I would...If I could do something differently I would utilise the "pen" tool instead of a list to display anything outputted. This would make it look neater, And i would have loved to add an inbuilt programming tool to make programs without editing the memory manually.
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