Dancing robot
The Project
Dancing robot with the help of 3D printer and SG90 servo motors. 1) Our project name is Dancing Robot Which we gave name " Petter " .We used Arduino Nano ,3D printing housing, USB cable ,Servo Motors ,Battery, Servo control board ,Ultrasonic sensors ,On off lock switch, Jumper wire , Servo Connectors and Screws to make this project. I choose to make this project because it is Innovative and helping in learning coding and also help to deciding which component must be is used in project and creating interest in robotics. 2) I face difficulty during this project and that is time management as I have less time to make this project and upload it so I face problem here. but I continue my project as much as possible I completely it. & as per me my project is completed. 3) If I get more time to improve it I will improve it and after improvement we will control it through our voice command.
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