Test Your child for ADHD
The Project
It can be difficult for children to sit still, focus, and control their actions and impulses. And these problems may constitute a daily nuisance. Is this naughty children or disturbances in listening, concentration and / or hyperactivity and lack of attention? We conducted a survey for school mothers, to find out if the parents can distinguish between naughty and hyperactivity and the indications of each of them. the result is showing that 57.1% don't know what the signs and symptoms of hyperactivity are (the indicators that are measured to determine the presence of ADHD. So we decided to make this application because of its(ADHD) side effects on the child. this app helps parents in cooperation with the school to diagnose hyperactivity and attention deficit in children(ADHD). with help from Mrs. Amneh Kindergarten teacher in our school, and in cooperation with Mrs. Fida the Children's Supervisor in the Education Directorate, design an ADHD detection tool consisting of 3 sections for each of the parents and the school> The standard symptoms by which a child is diagnosed: 1.(Attention Deficit Symptoms) 2.(Symptoms Hyperactivity). 3.(Impulsively Symptoms) *After we collected the data we pre-processing it The questionnaire questions(116 questions) are divided into two main parts: 1-Family Questionnaire: the degrees in this part ranges from 0-183 2- School Questionnaire: the degrees in this part ranges from 0-165 *the sum of the two questionnaire is 348 **the average is 348/2=174 *** if the final result of the questionnaire is more than 174 the child suffers from ADHD else the child dose not suffer from ADHD . The first case If the result is equal or greater 174, he has ADHD and a treatment button appears when clicking on it gives him a list of clinics and psychiatrists to consult with treatment. The second case If the result is less than 174, he will not have ADHD and the Prevent button will appear when clicking on it gives him things that must be followed to protect her child from ADHD Note: First, When answering the questions of this questionnaire, you must take into account the accuracy and objectivity of these questions It investigates the behavior and mentality of the child in school and with his peers, and not to mix the child's behaviors and behaviors and to attribute them to educational factors. second, The teacher and parents answer the questionnaire from the same device and application, so it is necessary for them to be present together. After finishing all above we design our application in app inventor containing the questionnaires (116 questions into 2 parts). when the user answer the questionnaire it(app) analyzes the questions answers and detects the presence of hyperactivity or naughty in children( as we explain above).there are 2 cases in our app: The first case If the result is equal or greater 174, he has ADHD and a treatment button appears when clicking on it gives him a list of clinics and psychiatrists to consult with treatment. The second case If the result is less than 174, he will not have ADHD and the Prevent button will appear when clicking on it gives him things that must be followed to protect her child from ADHD. We hope in future to update app : *creating user for each of the school and parents to enable them to fill out the questionnaire from their account so will be no necessary for them to be present together when filling questionnaire. *Adding the result of each type of symptom
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