Spirograph with Scratch
The Project
Spirograph to create beautiful abstract art with Scratch, a block-code programming language. - Tell us about your project. Why did you choose to make it? I have created spirograph in Scratch as I was inspired by a conventional spirograph that I created from LEGO. When I have done it I thought that there must be a way to do the same with an algorithm. I have experimented with inputs, variables and colours and created a program that generate different abstract designs. - What did you find difficult while making your project and how did you work it out? When changing the options like the line size and degree it was not immediately obvious what result it will do in terms of designs generated. Each change in variables came as a discovery and surprise to me. - Is there anything you would do differently or you would add if you had more time? I think that changing speed of spirograph could be an interesting option to make it work in fast forward or slow motion modes: I would add an option to choose the speed with which the project creates abstract designs.
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