Corona Warrior Game
The Project
I made this game to create awareness in the people about the COVID-19🦠😷 virus. I want to give the message to all people that the vaccine is safe and it will prevent you from the COVID-19🦠😷 virus. So please take the vaccine and don't believe in rumors. Register yourself for the vaccine. Take the vaccine whenever you get a chance. My project is about to give information about COVID-19?? virus and vaccine. I choose this project because l want to tell the people vaccine are total safe. There are too many rumours in my area and adults are wasting vaccine When I was making this I faced problem of lag because Scratch is not working good in mobile . I made this project on mobile, so there are some limitations I want to add in this project that how many different ways are there to increase our immunity power I want to add more information and the benefits of vaccines. So lots of people can know about it
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