Where Should I Go?
The Project
A girl name Lily was bored. She need a help to choose where she would go. 1.Tell us about your project. Why did you choose this project? I choosed this project is because I like exploring, then I realized it's not about outdoors but about a city. Then I realized again it's not about exploring but where should the girl, Lily go. 2. What did you find difficult while making your project and how did you work it out? I had two difficult things while making the project. The first one is the librarian was talking the same time as the girl, Lily that I have to use the wait block. The second one is the kids doing their workouts at the playing field. I made my own block that I discovered it didn't do anything and I miscounted the seconds that I have to change it from 10 seconds to 20 seconds it also made the second stop broadcast operate too early. 3. Is there anything you would do differently or you would add if you had more time? I would add more choices and more backdrops and download or add more sprites too.
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