Automatic Smart Irrigation System
The Project
Farmers always find it difficult to predict the right time of irrigation. Irrigation is one of the factors which affect the final yield of the crop. It is very difficult to predict the right moisture content of soil by observing only the upper profile. Too much water or too much dry can affect crop badly. Here for solving this problem, we have to use a soil moisture sensor that will predict the right moisture content of the soil. We will be switching our water pump according to the data of the moisture sensor and all the work will be carried out by Arduino UNO. 1.Tell us about your project. Why did you choose to make this project? Farmers always find it difficult to predict the right time of irrigation. Irrigation is one of the factors which affect the final yield of the crop. It is very difficult to predict the right moisture content of soil by observing only the upper profile. Too much water or too much dry can affect crop badly. Here for solving this problem, we have to use a soil moisture sensor that will predict the right moisture content of the soil. We will be switching our water pump according to the data of the moisture sensor and all the work will be carried out by Arduino UNO. I have chosen this field because I saw many farmers in my area facing the problem regarding irrigation. 2.What did you find difficult while making your project and how did you work it out? When we were making this project we faced many difficulties and the biggest one is how to detect the soil moisture level properly, and for that our STEM teacher suggested to use a soil moisture sensor, which can detect different moisture levels easily, and it is very easy to use with Arduino board. 3.Is there anything you would do differently or you would add if you had more time? If we had more time then we would add a monitoring system to it so that farmers can easily monitor the moisture content of the soil from anywhere. For that, we would use IoT platforms.
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