Amazing Runners

The Project

In this platformer game you need to race bots and collect stars to get more time. To get to the next levels you need to beat the bots before the time runs out.


Team Comments

We chose to make this project because...

Because there was a school running race called cross country. So we thought that we could do a running theme. 

What we found difficult and how we worked it out

We have had some issues with team work and cooperation. We had a team meeting and rearranged some roles and made it clear what we were all responsible for.

Next time, we would...

More characters to it. Or more work on the art and programing. We still need to add the robots that you race against.

About the team

  • Australia
  • Code Club

Team members

  • Dannie
  • Scarlett
  • Rylan
  • Jaxson