Subhas Chandra Bose - an unforgotten hero

The Project

This project about Subhas Chandra Bose .I t is a Biography sketch. And it converted it in to conversation .


Team Comments

We chose to make this project because...

This project about Subhas Chandra Bose .I choose this project because, somebody doesn`t know about him so I want to tell about him that while I choose this this project.

What we found difficult and how we worked it out

I do not fine any difficult while making my project. I have taken by the help of my friends and teachers.

Next time, we would...

There are no differently in this project and when done this project more times, I doesn`t joined anything.

About the team

  • India
  • CoderDojo

Team members

  • Swathi
  • Gaina
  • Himani
  • Dhani
  • Kavitha