Forest Fire 🔥
The Project
Constructing small ponds in the forest and keeping a 5 feet space around them so that there are no bushes. If there is a forest fire, the animals will stay safe near the lake
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...A question was asked to the students. What is an important issue in your area? The students said that there will be forest fire in their area. If students find this issue important, then today's children are respecting nature. Thinking to save. Hence this project is selected.
What I found difficult and how I worked it out"There were many difficulties in doing the forest fire ha project. People burn dry grass in summer. People do not listen even if they appeal not to burn. According to them, the grass grows well. Hopefully the amount will decrease as the kids say it. The children were walking around the village an
Next time, I would...NO
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