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The Project
A portable device, such as a pair of glasses equipped with an ultrasonic sensor and a buzzer, can provide a practical and affordable solution for people with vision difficulties. The described project uses an Arduino board to detect obstacles and warn the user by means of a buzzer.
Team Comments
We chose to make this project because...Doing such a project helps you learn about sensors, programming and hardware-software interaction.
What we found difficult and how we worked it outThe difficulty of this project consisted in finding a solution to place all the components on a pair of glasses. With patience and perseverance we managed to finish the project.
Next time, we would...Nu credem ca am putea face proiectul mai diferit de atat.. poate daca am gasi o alta modalitate de a atasa elementele componente la ochelari. We don't think we could make the project more different than that... maybe if we found another way to attach the component elements to the glasses.
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