Rock paper scissors and truth or dare

The Project

Our project that we chose is one that is made in scratch. It is story, which ends up in you picking a truth or dare option that you have to abide by, but the twist is that you do not know which one is truth and which one is dare, and the only way to avoid picking, is that you would have to go and win in a game of rock paper scissors. This project is mainly targeted at preteens and children who are with their cousins or friends, so that they can do this with the same target demographic


Team Comments

We chose to make this project because...

I decided to make this project because during this time, alot of people are stressed with exams and tests during the end of the school year, our project is here to combat that, relieve the stress that they have even if it is for a limited time, something like 5 minutes. We mean this to be accessible

What we found difficult and how we worked it out

What we found difficult is the coding itself, so that the game could function, having the computer trying to pick its own option was something I found difficult and hard to overcome, so what I did was go on YouTube, and look for people for advice so we can do it.

Next time, we would...

I would've added more elements int he rock paper in scissors, maybe make it more surprising and unexpected, by adding a chance of overriding, and having the work pick the wrong thing, so that they might lose or win, even if they didn't mean to. Another one would be adding a result banner.

About the team

  • Kuwait

Team members

  • Jana
  • Ahmed