Mind game1

The Project

The current trend among young children, particularly with the widespread availability of smartphones and digital entertainment, is a decrease in their ability to concentrate on studies or other activities. The allure of mobile games, social media platforms like YouTube, and highly engaging games such as PUBG has diverted their attention away from physical and mental engagement. As a result, many children are struggling to maintain focus on tasks, leading to a decline in their overall concentration levels.


Team Comments

We chose to make this project because...

To address this issue and enhance children's concentration levels, we propose implementing a multifaceted approach that combines both technological and behavioral interventions:

What we found difficult and how we worked it out

To address this issue and enhance children's concentration levels, we propose implementing a multifaceted approach that combines both technological and behavioral interventions:

Next time, we would...

To address this issue and enhance children's concentration levels, we propose implementing a multifaceted approach that combines both technological and behavioral interventions:

About the team

  • India
  • Raspberry Jam

Team members

  • Kalyani
  • Vignesh