Super OS

The Project

A manually written a complete operating system/graphical interface, featuring pop up menus, that runs alongside Windows. The programs were coded using Batch (.bat) - and features within the Super OS operating system include: • File Explorer • Boj Paint • Batch Pad • Disk Manager • Search • Date/Time • Battery power indicator • Volume control • Media Player - music • Quick Draw • Dot Destroyer (game) • Video Player • Run • Open images • Calculator • File manager • Control panel • Screensavers There are drawn graphical devices, such as the pop ups, using MS Paint and incorporated them into the coding. There are created games called ‘Dot Destroyer’ which have again coded, and what makes the game unique is that it just uses letters and numbers to display the components of the game. The Boj Paint program allows users to draw images using up to 256 colours. File Explorer shows all the files in a folder and enables you to pick the required one. The Calculator has all the usual functions – add, subtract, multiply and divide – of a normal calculator. Ben’s Super OS operating system allows all the components, such as the desktop background to be customised.


Team Comments

I chose to make this project because...

To create my own operating system.

What I found difficult and how I worked it out

The time it took!

Next time, I would...

Maybe add more features.

About the team

  • United Kingdom
  • Code Club

Team members

  • Ben