The Project
I have made a SMART helmet for 2 wheeler vehicles, This is an advanced helmet system that is connected to the ignition of the vehicle, this helmet consists of an Arduino, sensor, LED's, DC motor (SAMPLE), jumper wires, breadboard, and a 5 volt power supply system.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I chose this project because many people in my village don't wear helmet and because of this, they suffer very huge losses, even of life and huge amounts of financial loss.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outThe difficult part was to fit the sensor inside the helmet with breaking it and also it needs to sense the pressure of the head also, that part took a lot of time. apart from that everything was easy.
Next time, I would...Yes, I also need to update this project with eye blink detection, if eyes are shut for more then 10 seconds then there should be an alarm inside the helmet.
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