The Aquatic Heater
The Project
This is an invention that allows the fish tank to be automatically heated through an automated computer system. We engineered a heater that is designed to be a more efficient version of an aquarium heater. This heating system would contain a heat pad right outside of the aquarium tank (usually underneath), a sensor in the wire connected to the Arduino board and circuits.
Team Comments
We chose to make this project because...Our whole purpose was to reduce the amount of space that default heaters take up in tanks and still heat the tank efficiently, while being able to monitor the temperature of the water. This groundbreaking invention proves to support overall emotional, and psychological development of marine life.
What we found difficult and how we worked it outOur main trouble was the cost of our parts. We needed it to be cheaper than a conventional heater. We managed this by finding the most cost-effective model and brainstorming different approaches to creating the invention. We determined that an Arduino Uno R3 board would be the most efficient.
Next time, we would...If we were allowed to improve our invention, a major tweak we would do would be making the whole system wireless and compatible with Bluetooth. The large number of wires that are in our system seem to reduce the aesthetic pleasure of the invention as a whole.
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