Arduino Lamb Powder Dispenser

The Project

An Arduino based project where an Arduino Mega controls dispensing milk replacer powder, using a weight scale.


Team Comments

I chose to make this project because...

My dad had an idea to help solve a problem where it takes a long time to measure out powder by hand, so off of his idea I made this project.

What I found difficult and how I worked it out

One problem I came across was that we originally tried to use an encoder instead of a potentiometer for the EEPROM set feature, but the encoder had an interrupt program that only worked on its own, and wouldn't cooperate with the main code, so I decided to use an potentiometer instead.

Next time, I would...

I would have used the Arduino Giga R1 instead because since it has a second processer the encoder could can run on its own alongside the main code.

About the team

  • United States

Team members

  • Keegan