Carbon footprint tracker

The Project

This project is a software that allows the user to know and apply certain effective methods to reduce their carbon footprint. It includes points and a leader board to compare your score next to others .This makes it fun and engaging for the used and makes him/her excited for the same.The goal of this project aligns well with sdg 13 which aime to reduce global warming.


Team Comments

I chose to make this project because...

"I chose to make this project as I desired to contribute something to to reduce global warming and promote sustainability. I have been reading about it for a long time and wanted to do something for it.Making a project was the least I could do. I hope this project is an icon in spreading awareness a

What I found difficult and how I worked it out

I found several things difficult while making my project.I specifically found difficulties in printing certain things and with all of the functions.I struggled with the variables and the arrays.Most importantly I struggled with the time management.

Next time, I would...

Yes,I would like to add more graphics to my project and also more activities

About the team

  • India
  • Code Club

Team members

  • Anshika