Football Clicker

The Project

I programmed the game where a player clicks on the ball to collect points. These earned points can be used to buy upgrades, such as +1, +2 (increase points per click), change the background and costume of the ball, racket upgrades, auto-accumulate, etc. The goal is to reach a record.


Team Comments

I chose to make this project because...

I was inspired by other programmers' projects, such as Pokemon Clicker or Money Clicker. I was interested in them, so I wanted to create my own.

What I found difficult and how I worked it out

The most difficult part for me was to develop the scoring increment for the various upgrades or its display to the player, trying to design a custom score display instead of a variable.

Next time, I would...

I would improve the game mainly graphically to make it more interesting and also to have more upgrade options.

About the team

  • Czechia
  • CoderDojo

Team members

  • Benjamin