The Project
Vim! Technology is the future of efficiently measuring, storing, and accessing real-time data of wind and solar energy, a fundamental AI component for intelligent decision-making. The app helps in identifying the best spot or areas for harnessing wind and solar for sufficient and carbon-free electricity production for sustainability.
Team Comments
We chose to make this project because...Ghana and other countries face electricity instability. Hydroelectric dams are vulnerable to droughts, reducing power. Fossil fuels, 68% of the supply, leads to climate change. Solar and wind, 2.1% of the mix, face infrastructure challenges. Vim! optimizes solar and wind scouting for efficient power
What we found difficult and how we worked it outDuring the project, the team encountered frequent power outages, leading to significant delays, especially in their video presentations. Consequently, the team had to switch between locations to access electricity and complete the project.
Next time, we would...The team aims to add AI models for accurate predictions of optimal wind and solar energy spots, ensuring reliable and sustainable electricity production, in contrast to carbon-emitting methods that contribute to climate change. Also, the team aims to improve the user interface of the Vim! App.
About the team
Team members
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