Get a cookie on a island
The Project
"its just a game where you get a cookie on a island. why? i had no idea. i just kinda took the idea from my old roblox game The controls are ""A"" to go left, ""D"" to go right, and space to jump, you can also wall jump"
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...Well i really had no idea for what project i should choose but then i remembered my old roblox game which is "get a cookie on a island" and yeah i kinda just use that idea (yes they both have the same name and if you wanna find the roblox game my user is "iafanan", you figure it out from there)
What I found difficult and how I worked it outthe hardest part i found while making my game is fixing glitches, its just trial and errors really. i got most of the glitch i found fix but then there a glitch that let you clip through the floor. But most of the time when i found a glitch i just mess around with the code until it fix itself.
Next time, I would...well at first, i was gonna add a dialog where lily (a friend of river) explains why you are there, which i dont really have enough characters to put the whole dialog in here, And another thing i wanna add is power ups like a super jump power which is self explanatory and a bubble power
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