Pixel Paint

The Project

Develop a box-painting game aimed at educating friends about digital screen pixels by creating multiple sprites to represent various box sizes, demonstrating how pixels function and interact visually on a digital screen.


Team Comments

We chose to make this project because...

I chose to create this project to provide an interactive and engaging way for my friends to grasp the concept of pixels on a digital screen, allowing them to visually understand how images are composed and displayed through the manipulation of individual pixel elements.

What we found difficult and how we worked it out

The challenge was designing sprites to represent different box sizes accurately, conveying the concept of pixels; I overcame it by using pixel art techniques, experimenting with sizes, shapes, and seeking feedback for refinement.

Next time, we would...

With more time, I'd enhance interactivity by adding features like color selection and additional levels to explore pixel concepts further, while refining the user interface for a seamless learning experience.

About the team

  • India
  • Code Club

Team members