
The Project

My scratch game is called "Spaceshooter", the buttons to play this game are the arrows for movement, and the space bar for shooting, when the rocks are hit, sound effects are displayed and the score increases by 50 each time, when the rocket hits the rock, there is a game over sign and a sound effect displayed with it as well. I chose this project because I want to spread happiness and make people have fun playing the game to get a high score and compete.


Team Comments

I chose to make this project because...

I chose this project because I want to spread happiness and make people have fun playing the game to get a high score and compete.

What I found difficult and how I worked it out

How to manage the rocks and add the specific code for them to work in the game. Adding an instructions screen as I did not have much time to do and it was very difficult to do.

Next time, I would...

I would have worked on adding an instructions screen as I did not have much time to do and it was very difficult to do.

About the team

  • Kuwait

Team members

  • Mohamad