Fibonacci Sequence
The Project
I tried programming the Fibonacci Sequence algorithm. The Fibonacci Sequence is based on adding numbers with the following property: The next number is a sum of two preceding numbers. The initial values are set to 0 and 1. Source code:
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I chose this project because my interests include mathematics and logic. I was fascinated by the fact that the Fibonacci sequence is deduced from rabbit reproduction, about which I read a scientific publication.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outProgramming in C# is still a new discipline for me, which I want to continue to focus on. Therefore, while developing the algorithm, I had to learn the necessary new commands of this language, which helped me for future projects.
Next time, I would...Of course, it is always possible to upgrade any application, but during the development of this version, I tried to include the different sequence variants including the relation to the golden ratio, another important math constant.
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