Seeking a New Home
The Project
This Scratch story is told from a snake's perspective, highlighting the impact of deforestation on their habitat. It follows a snake family as they lose their jungle home to tree cutting and venture into the city, where they encounter fearful humans who destroyed their natural habitat to build their own.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I created this project to raise awareness about the consequences of deforestation on wildlife and to encourage people to consider the impact of their actions on animals' habitats.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outSyncing snake movements with the story was difficult. I worked it out by using Scratch's timing blocks and carefully coordinating the animations with the narration. Additionally, I tested and adjusted the timing repeatedly to ensure smooth and natural movement.
Next time, I would...If I had more time, I would add more diverse habitats and interactions to show the snakes' journey in greater detail. I would also include educational facts about deforestation and its effects, as well as tips on how people can help preserve wildlife habitats.
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