cookie chase

The Project

This is a game where you have to eat the cookie, by clicking on it to take a bite out of it. There are 3 levels, and at the end, there is a small surprise!


Team Comments

I chose to make this project because...

Because WARM chocolate chip cookies are my favourite dessert and comfort food. They make me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

What I found difficult and how I worked it out

I was very focused on making a project for the Bradford Coolest Projects event with my friend, and I did not have enough time to make my own game, and then after that I had my end of year tests at school, so I was focused on revision, and time flew!

Next time, I would...

I would make it into a multi-mini-game platform where there are more cookie related games like making cookies, or inside cookie factories, etc.

About the team

  • United Kingdom

Team members

  • Krishika