Musical Pie

The Project

I've made a music player that streams music from my Subsonic server when an RFID sticker is scanned. The sticker can have an album, track or artist associated with it. There's also a potentiometer to control the volume and both headphones and external speakers are supported. Code:


Team Comments

I chose to make this project because...

I love music, and I thought this was a pretty cool idea as I had loads of RFID stickers that weren't being used for anything, a scanner and a fair amount of electronics. It was just a random idea I got whilst organising my hardware and I thought it was cool, so made it!

What I found difficult and how I worked it out

The hardest part was getting volume to work across output devices. This took me a good few days of scouring documentation, testing in a smaller script and troubleshooting to figure out the issue.

Next time, I would...

I'm planning to add push buttons to toggle playback and skip forward a song!

About the team

  • United Kingdom

Team members

  • Dillon