Apocalypse Battle Game
The Project
This Game is About Battling an Apocalypse of Enemies that try to kill you. There are 3 Guns to choose to battle the apocalypse. On Start you use The Default gun and when you progressively get more kills you will unlock new guns.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...Because i want a fun game so people can relax and have fun playing the game and maybe teach people something new when remixing the game or playing it with making strategies to help them beat the game. This game may inspire people to make something like this in scratch and learn from my codes.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outa lot of things, like trying to make a round system but i failed so i gave up and tried to normal way to make it by writing round 1 - round ?? and there are other things that was difficult to fix like making enemies smoother moves and player and ALOT MORE STUFF.
Next time, I would...i would like to add players shooting grenades or other so it is much easier to play and having fun. although it is still an Apocalypse game soooooo i would probably never add it.
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