Legend of Felix - a VR experience
The Project
Our project was about making an animated video that told a story of a roman soldier that led the army after almost dying and defeating the Egyptian army thus gaining territory. This story was animated by using code blocks on a VR coding website called CoSpaces. CoSpaces lets you create your own games and stories by simply just coding 3D to move, act or speak.
Team Comments
We chose to make this project because...We chose the project because in class, we had been developing coding skills using code blocks on Cospaces and we thought it was the perfect task to try out our skills.
What we found difficult and how we worked it outWe had many challenges. One of them was how tedious making the variable list for the roman soldiers was. We had to animate each soldier one by one. This took hours. One of our biggest problems was finding the right character on the platform that was Egyptian and that had a fighting animation.
Next time, we would...If we could do something differently, we would add more realistic actions for characters. The antagonist of the story could have been a different character therefore making it easier to code the final battle and also making him more realistic. Overall, we think there is always space for improvement.
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