Safe Mate: Life Securing Headshell
The Project
Despite of the fact that helmets are available everywhere, people are not wearing them for protection. Secondly many mishaps occur when the driver is in drunken condition. Not wearing helmet and alcohol consumption are the two main reasons for road accidents resulting in severe head injuries. To deal with these two problems, we have designed a prototype of Intelligent Safety Device named Safe Mate: Life Securing Head shell. This Smart Head shell automatically checks whether the person is wearing the helmet and has non- alcoholic breath while driving. In the proposed device we have a transmitter at the helmet and the receiver at the bike. There is a switch to ensure the wearing of helmet on the head. The ON condition of the switch ensures the placing of the helmet in proper manner. An alcohol sensor is placed near to the mouth of the driver on the helmet to detect the presence of smell of alcohol. The data to be transferred is coded with RF encoder and transmitted through radio frequency transmitter. The receiver at the bike receives the data and decodes it through RF decoder. MCU controls the function of relay and thus the ignition. The projected intelligent head shell will prompt the rider to wear it and until the rider has strapped on, the two wheeler won’t start. The device is connected to the vehicle’s ignition which is disabled until the rider puts on the helmet. The engine of the bike will not start if any of the two conditions (Non wearing helmet and alcohol consumption) is violated. Hence the proposed intelligent device ‘Safe Mate’ can save many lives by making people wear this protective Life Securing Head shell.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...Many road accidents occur due to alcohol consumption and carelessness in driving. Many people lose their lives just because they don't wear helmet. To reduce the risk of such accidents, I have designed protective head shell to make the helmet mandatory and also to detect the presence of alcohol.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outFirstly, I prepared a layout and decided to work upon it. The only challenge I faced was to work upon the coding of the transmitter and receiver circuit. After sharing my difficulty with my mentor teacher, she guided me upon the programming language for my project.
Next time, I would...In future if there is a large demand of this type of helmets we can manufacture the whole circuit in printed circuit board, so that circuit becomes smaller and can be easily fitted into the head gear. The circuit can also be powered by solar energy so that it uses green and renewable energy.
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