Purple's Mazes

The Project

This project is a 4-leveled maze, your goal is to reach the portal to be teleported to the next level. Complete all 4 levels in the shortest period of time!


Team Comments

I chose to make this project because...

I was always intrested in mazes and puzzles since young. I made a few mazes when I first started using Scratch about 2 years back. When I was looking for inspiration for this project, I was scrolling through my previous projects. When I saw the maze, I thought it would be a good idea to submit that.

What I found difficult and how I worked it out

I found manually creating straight lines in my maze hard, I found a solution by using a mazegeneration website, https://mazegenerator.net/. I also found difficulty in making the timer stop, but I eventually found a way by replacing the repeat block with the if...then...else... one.

Next time, I would...

I would like to add moving walls and possibly enemies that will disrupt your charecter in the maze in the future.

About the team

  • Malaysia

Team members

  • Bing Xun