Falcon OS
The Project
An operating system created using Scratch, designed to be sleek and simple to use. 1. Tell us about your project, why did you choose to make it? Our project is 'Falcon OS', an operating system built using Scratch, designed to be sleek and easy to use. We wanted something fun to keep us occupied during lockdown and since we both take a great interest in computing and technology we decided to create our own operating system. 2. What did you find difficult whilst making your project and how did you work it out? The stock time block in Scratch had a blue surround (which we wanted to change) and the time would say 6:3 instead of 6:03. To solve this we made a custom clock by creating over 80 costumes (for numbers 0-24 and 0-59) which created a more aesthetically pleasing clock. Since we were both in lockdown in our own homes, we had to work on the project separately, communicating via FaceTime, to discuss our ideas and keeping each other informed of any changes or updates we had made. 3. Is there anything else you would do differently or add if you had more time? We found hiding and showing items difficult (you need to click on the green flag for the system to function correctly), at the moment we haven't been able to fix this issue and so if we had more time, this is something we would like to correct. We would also like to add more apps in the future.
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