
The Project

My project is an AI-based scheduler that uses ChatGPT to receive user-inputted tasks and output a cohesive schedule for the user to follow. It does this through a combination of a fine-tuned prompt and Firebase cloud storage, working together to display a schedule on the user's home page.


Team Comments

I chose to make this project because...

Many of my friends suffer from anxiety or depression, so I wanted to see if I could make something that could help. This app was more of a proof of concept than anything, and I think it did its job well. I chose to use AI over an algorithm purely because I am more interested in AI.

What I found difficult and how I worked it out

Many of the issues with my project was prompt tuning with the AI; the AI kept adding words before the schedule or not giving a proper schedule. I had to research how OpenAI's system prompt worked and fixed it by adding "EXTREMELY IMPORTANT." in front of every line along with other minor adjustments.

Next time, I would...

I would add a blurb that appears when you tap on a task, because it would be a huge QOL feature and helpful for remembering what a task is for. I would also add a task deletion feature, but a version of that is already built in as a side effect of my code.

About the team

  • United States

Team members

  • Keith