Math Quiz Game

The Project

Our project entails the creation of a quiz game focused on mathematical operations. Students can actively participate, enhancing their understanding of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division through an interactive and enjoyable platform. The game offers a dynamic learning experience, reinforcing key math concepts and promoting engagement in the classroom. Through this quiz game, we aim to make the process of learning math operations both effective and entertaining for students.


Team Comments

We chose to make this project because...

Recognizing the challenges faced by students like Sahil, Vir, and others in grasping basic addition and subtraction concepts, our solution involves creating an engaging educational game. This game aims to make learning enjoyable and interactive, providing a fun environment for students to enhance th

What we found difficult and how we worked it out

The project was smooth sailing without any hurdles or complications. Everything fell into place effortlessly during its creation.

Next time, we would...

With more time, I'd gather feedback from users to improve the project's design.I'd add new features that people want and make sure everything is well explained for future work.

About the team

  • India
  • Raspberry Jam

Team members

  • Soham Bhandalkar