"Anveshak"- The explorer

The Project

Our rover is constructed from MDF sheets with a 3D-printed top, equipped with six wheels for enhanced mobility. It boasts sustainable and eco-friendly operation, powered by four solar panels charging a Li-ion battery. Two NodeMCU controllers enable remote control and sensor data collection, with sensors including the MQ135 for air quality and the DHT11 for temperature and humidity.


Team Comments

We chose to make this project because...

To move in all the terrains and help the scientists to get the real time temperature, humidity and AQI values with Remote Control and Environmental Monitoring.

What we found difficult and how we worked it out

Making the structure and integrating the two microcontrollers.

Next time, we would...

We can add camera to it

About the team

  • India

Team members

  • Ojas
  • Suhani
  • Aarav