The Project
Minas is a game about bullying and solving it with peace. Fu Xiao is the hall monitor and embarks on a journey to stop bullying in her school. After the 4 rounds of helping out people, the principal calls her to the office. The principal is none other than Mr. Minghao. What will happen then in the principal office?
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I want to teach people why bullying is bad and show the side effects when you don't help out. If we become bystanders, it'll lead to other people being either lonely or traumatized by the people who bullied them. If you don't know, bystander means just standing there watching someone being bullied.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outThere was so many bugs I found in my game due to the amount of broadcasts. I eventually fixed all the bugs with my mentor so that the project work out smoothly. It took me awhile to fix all bugs especially with my A and B button.
Next time, I would...I'd probably make a shooting game at the end. So after you finish all 4 levels you get this end game where you have to shoot hearts to the bullies which makes them change their mind.
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