The Psychic Blobs Of Numerical Ectoplasm!
The Project
This is a game where the blobs can know what number is in your mind. You arrive at the Numericoplasm Psychic Lab, you pick a number from 1 to 30. (There is a story to the beginning!) Then, you click all the blobs with that number... and... TADA!!! You will fall back in your chair when you see that number in huge numbers that number!!! It also makes children more happy about maths... Yay!!! Psychic Blobs! 1. I got this idea from a book I was reading. I'm quite afraid that if I mention its title it will spoil everything, so I won't mention it. No, I'm NOT cheating! So, i had this idea, and I thought it was AWESOME, so I decided to be a side project I'd make, along with my Ren'Py Project!!! After all, wouldn't you love getting your exact number picked?! 2. I was dealing with the restart button, when I found out my blobs wouldn't appear. I made sure I made it set to ghost effect 0%, but it still didn't work. I was stuck for ages, when in the end I realized I had just used hide instead of the ghost 100% block! (if you press see inside it'll make much more sense.) Making the blobs was reaaaaaaaaaalllllly repetitive... I also had a very serious glitch when I was dealing with the numbers sprite (see inside.) Since I was dealing with HUUUUGE numbers, the long line thingy that looks like this; |, went all the way down into the backpack and THEN my computer crashed. So, I was a little more careful. I had difficulties making the like variable appear at the right time. It kept reappearing at the wrong time, but then I solved it. I had to put it between a different set of blocks for it to work. That's only a few of the problems I had to solve! 3. If I had more time there's actually LOADS I would do if I had more time. I would add more time to read, I would add sounds, click sounds (like sounds from when you click), and pick sounds from my favourite sound effects website, Zapsplat. I'd also try to make the restart button a little better, look for any glitches and solve them, and also make it look nicer and have better UI.
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