Smart Braking System
The Project
Smart traffic light detection system uses a camera and Raspberry Pi to detect red lights from 50 meters, gradually slowing the vehicle with a lever mechanism and applying brakes for a complete stop. When the light turns green, a beep alerts the driver to resume control, ensuring safety and smooth traffic flow while maintaining driver engagement during green lights.
Team Comments
We chose to make this project because...We chose to make this project to enhance road safety by automating vehicle responses to traffic lights, reducing accidents, and ensuring smooth traffic flow, while still keeping drivers actively engaged.
What we found difficult and how we worked it outWe found it difficult to accurately detect traffic lights in different lighting conditions and to integrate the braking mechanism with the detection system. We overcame these challenges by fine-tuning camera settings, using advanced image processing algorithms, and conducting iterative testing.
Next time, we would...We would improve the system's accuracy in diverse weather conditions and integrate real-time traffic data to optimize vehicle responses. Additionally, we would enhance the user interface for better driver feedback and control.
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