Trash Pong

The Project

"Its a kind of ping pong game with trash and garbage bin,the trash will always fall into the bottom of ocean, the player need to prevent it and keep it bouncing. "


Team Comments

I chose to make this project because...

To increase awareness with regards to Climate Change Crisis and Environment Sustainability

What I found difficult and how I worked it out

"1. I learn myself by watching tutorials on youtube, some features I cannot find the right keyword 2. I need a lot of time to trial and error, and sometimes distracted "

Next time, I would...

"to disable the theme song once the main game started to have different theme song when the main game start to make the pong speed randomly change to make level 2 with more difficult challenges, with 2 pong balls to add more things to sort in minigame to add score board to record the top scorer "

About the team

  • Indonesia

Team members

  • Francis Athaniel