Dungeon Masters
The Project
Dungeon masters in an obstacale game with 3 levels, the first level is quite easy, the second level has a new obstacale that you have too go through, and the last level is a combination of both the first and the second level. The controls in this game is quite simple, to jump press the space or up arrow button, to go right press the right arrow, to left press the left arrow. You can start the game by pressing A, and also restart the game by pressing A
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I chose this project and not a other project, because I really love obsticale games. I like the fact that you need to think fast and also it teaches you to be patient. Dungeon Masters is also inspired by other other projects, because I use a combination of multiple games, for example the movement.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outFor me whats difficult the most is the idea of the obsticale, it took me quite a long time to get an idea of a new obsticale. At the end I use my own creativty and also combine it with other games that I found in youtube.
Next time, I would...If i had more time, maybe I would make a couple more levels and obsticale. I would also maybe make the game a little smoother, by making more codes and sprites. But I think I did the best I could do in this time range.
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