short game

The Project

just some short games


Team Comments

I chose to make this project because...

i didnt know that i was in this project. for 1 week if im not wrong and when they told me my school has already start the exam month for graduation so i really didnt have much time to put in my idea and when making it i change the idea a view times to finish it on time

What I found difficult and how I worked it out

i find it difficult to manage the time to make this project in between my school exam project

Next time, I would...

Add stage charachter go to the death realm when die the character figth all gatekeeper that guard gate to live when he get back to life he become ghost that need vessel character will able use human or animal figth the enemy and bossfigth the ending he was some test subject and killed by final boss

About the team

  • Indonesia

Team members

  • calvin