
The Project

PayCheck is a service you can use to track your personal expenses and income. Use PayCheck to note down every single transaction you make without any hassle. Always keep in check with your wallet, e-wallet, and bank balance 24/7. The process of adding notes are very simple and quick, less than a minute is needed to do so.


Team Comments

I chose to make this project because...

People in this day and age are not the biggest fan of manually tracking their expenses, and neither am I. What people do like doing are using their phones for everything. That's why I decided to create PayCheck, used for conveniently tracking personal economy.

What I found difficult and how I worked it out

Android Studio was a hassle to use. The program shut down a lot, but luckily autosave (for a lack of a better term) saved me multiple times. Also, my laptop isn't the best or fastest, so lagging was a constant issue.

Next time, I would...

Things I would do if I had more time: - Polish the UI - Add a list of banks with their interests and track the balance increase. - Add an option to add another account other than the main 3 available. - Create a login system.

About the team

  • Indonesia

Team members

  • Kenzie