Can-O-Matic 9000
The Project
Our solution to the problem of recyclables and trash ending up mixed together is an automated way to sort recycling from trash without requiring the user to make a decision. The user inserts their item in the receptacle and a suite of sensors determines whether the object is an aluminum can (recyclable) or not (trash). Recyclables (aluminum cans) will then be sorted into one container while trash will be sorted into a different container.
Team Comments
We chose to make this project because...We found out that in our community, and all around the world, people wouldn't put the trash into the corresponding bin, we wanted to fix this problem. As an example, a January 2022 BBC article stated that 35.8% of domestic recycling in Durham was contaminated, costing taxpayers millions of pounds.
What we found difficult and how we worked it outWe had trouble getting the can to attach to the electromagnet, hold on, while it dumps into the trash, then let go when its dumping into the recycling can. We were able to work it out, by making the servo move in small bits each time instead of doing the motion completely.
Next time, we would...We would try to make the Can-O-Matic 9000 more durable, be able sort plastics, weather proof, and fully solar.
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