Save The Burning Prairies
The Project
"Save The Burning Prairies The concept is simple: You have to break fences to let out animals that have been trapped with wildfire surrounding them."
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...Wildfires in grasslands are very dangerous. They endanger the wildlife living there, especially deers. Herders add fences around the places these deers graze and when wildfires start, these animals have no where to escape. People should be aware about this fact. We should help animals. I care for th
What I found difficult and how I worked it outI actually deleted half the code as I forgot to save it and had to redo it. Although it didn't take as much time to write the code a second time.
Next time, I would...If I had more time, I would actually add the animals escaping from the fence and my sprite actually breaking the fence.
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