The Project
Welcome to a website that eases the way you are going to travel. Have you ever chosen a destination but you were not quite sure the places to visit in the country. Welcome to Travely .All you have to do is to place your destination and the most popular places to visit in the country will be shown.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...We believe most people have found it difficult to select the places to visit in their chosen destination. We most times resort to google and we are given long paragraphs but this website simply collects the data and puts it in one place easing your travel.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outThe most difficult thing we faced. We were not able to change the color of the background story of one of the places and unfortunately however much we tried to work it out, it did not work.
Next time, I would...Yes, we would add a feature that enables the travellers how have been to the places to rate them and therefore giving a better option to the searcher
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