Pong game
The Project
The Scratch Pong Game is a classic arcade game where two players control paddles on opposite sides of the screen. A ball bounces between the paddles, and the players must move their paddles to hit the ball and prevent it from passing their side. The goal is to score points by getting the ball past the opponent's paddle. The game features simple controls using the arrow keys to move the paddles and a scoring system to keep track of points. It's a fun and interactive game that helps beginners learn basic game development concepts in Scratch.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...Pong is a relatively simple game that can help beginners understand basic game development concepts like movement, collision detection, and scoring. By creating a Pong game on Scratch, users can learn these concepts in a fun and interactive way.
What I found difficult and how I worked it out"Collision Detection: Ensuring the ball bounces off the paddles and walls correctly can be tricky. Use the ""touching edge?"" and ""touching color?"" blocks to detect collisions and change the ball's direction accordingly. Scoring System: Keeping track of the score and displaying it properly can be
Next time, I would..."AI Opponent: Implementing an AI-controlled opponent that can play against the player, adding a more challenging and dynamic element to the game. Power-ups: Introducing power-ups that can affect the speed of the ball, the size of the paddles, or other aspects of the game to add variety and strategy
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