Anti Sleep Alarm Glasses
The Project
Our project addresses drowsy driving with Anti-Sleep Alarm Glasses. These glasses detect signs of drowsiness and alert the wearer promptly for safer roads.
Team Comments
We chose to make this project because...We chose to develop Anti-Sleep Alarm Glasses to combat the alarming issue of drowsy driving. Fatigue-related accidents pose a significant threat to road safety, leading to injuries and fatalities. By creating these glasses, we aim to provide a proactive solution that detects signs of drowsiness and
What we found difficult and how we worked it out"Creating the Anti-Sleep Alarm Glasses posed several challenges: Detection Precision: Ensuring accurate interpretation of subtle signs of drowsiness. Comfortable Design: Balancing functionality with user comfort and aesthetics. Alert Balance: Designing alerts that are timely without being distractin
Next time, we would..."Certainly: ""If time allowed, potential additions to the Anti-Sleep Alarm Glasses could include biometric integration for enhanced alertness assessment, AI for continuous improvement of detection accuracy, automatic emergency alerts, and multilingual support."""
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